Friday 4 April 2014

Gelatine Capsule Earrings

This was one of those ideas that just came from nowhere. I was just innocently sitting there one day when it hit me. And the beauty of this is that tablets are easy to find and they come in some really cool colours.


 How it's done 


You will need:

  • A tablet capsule ( preferably in pretty colours )
  • Super glue
  • A pin
  • Basic hooks ( See Vocab Tab )
  • Loop-end wire pins ( See Vocab Tab )
  • Round-nosed pliers ( See Vocab Tab )
  • Cutters ( See Vocab Tab )


Take your capsule tablets, carefully open them and remove their contents. While your capsules are still open, decide which colour you want on top. I made mine inverted, so on one ear orange was on top and the other, red.

Take your pin and gently poke a hole through your top colour. Slide your loop-end wire pin through this hole so that the loop is on the inside of the tablet. Use the cutters to cut the protruding wire so that about a pinky-finger space of wire remains above the capsule. Bend this wire into a loop using the round-nosed pliers. Put a small drop of super glue on the hole where the wire enters so that it won't rattle around. Put a little more super glue on the bottom of the capsule half and stick the two halves together. Then simply join the basic hook to your top wire loop and you have an earring.


Patience Needed: 5/10

These are a little bit tricky because of how delicate the capsules are, but they still don't take long to make.

Durability: 4/10

As they are capsules, they are water soluble, so don't get them wet. They are also quite delicate and are prone to indentations and crumpling.

Cool Factor: 6/10

They're pretty cool, but people don't really notice them because they're not incredibly flashy. Their effectiveness depends largely on the kind of capsules you use.

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