
Monday, 21 April 2014

Nut and Bolt Earrings

Sometimes inspiration is found while scratching through a draw of hardware supplies. I guess it's now "hardwear".

 How It's Done

 You Will Need

  •   Two nuts and bolts
  • A Hacksaw
  • Superglue
  • Basic studs (See Vocab Tab)

The nut of the bolts you use should be big enough for the back of your earring to fit inside. This may require some swapping of earring backs.

Just to clarify; the nut is the thing you screw onto the bolt. 


Step one is to use the hacksaw to cut the head off the bolt. If you have little arms, don't know what a hacksaw is or have a propensity to misuse sharp objects you should probably get someone to do this for you. In hindsight leaving a few lines of thread would add to the overall effect but be careful about making the front so heavy that it pulls away from the ear.

Next glue the heads of the bolts to your earring studs (as in picture 1) and glue your earring backings into the nuts (as in picture 2) . Make sure these steps don't inhibit the functioning of the earrings. 


Patience Needed: 2/10

You don't really need clarification on that do you?

Durability: 9/10

These guys are troupers

Cool Factor: 6.5/10

They're like the introverts of the earring world; really cool if people take the time to actually see them. Once they do though the reaction is worth it. "Is that going through your ear?!" is a pleasant change from "nice earrings".  The biggest problem with these is that the fun part is happening at the back of your ear so if your ears stick out, you get 2 extra points on these.

1 comment:

  1. Sticker line

    Screws and Bolts in Engineering

    Retaining Rings in engineering

    Washers in Engineering

    Nut in Engineering
